Product Profile: Singa Diaphragm Fitting Kits

Singa Diaphragm Fitting Kits

For a couple who wish to use a diaphragm as their chosen method of contraception, the biggest hurdle is finding a healthcare professional who could assist them.

Most GPs, Midwives and Gyno’s could easily go through a checklist of indications and contra indications for diaphragm or cervical cap use, but with diaphragms a fitting is needed. This means that the healthcare professional must have been trained in this art and also must have a diaphragm fitting kit to hand.

Fitting For A Singa Diaphragm

For the Singa brand of diaphragms, fitting kits are available for free, subsidised or for a reduced price from

The Singa diaphragm fitting kit contains two samples of each diaphragm size (60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 and 90mm) as well as two Caya diaphragm samples. These samples are all identical to the regular diaphragms apart from having a small hole in the membrane to avoid them accidentally becoming mixed with the patient’s diaphragm. As such they are not apt for contraceptive use.

Fitting For A Caya Single Size Diaphragm

In the UK a free, subsidised or reduced price Caya diaphragm educational pack can be ordered from which includes a sample Caya diaphragm. 

Whilst not the perfect approach using just this one single diaphragm sample size will confirm if the patient is one of the 80% of women for whom the Caya is a good fit. However if the Caya is too small or too large then the exercise is in vain as a fitting of a traditional diaphragm would still be needed as they are advised to seek one out. For this reason someone wanting to fit patients for the Caya would probably be best served by a complete Singa fitting kit.

Medical Guidelines For Fitting/Sizing Singa Diaphragms

Image Downloads.

Singa Fitting Kit 1200×1200

Singa Fitting Kit Box 1200×1200

Singa Sizes 960×960

Where To Order Your Singa Fitting Kit

Singa fitting kits can be ordered in the UK from

If you are a healthcare professional who is happy to receive patients who want to be fitted for a Singa diaphragm, get in touch so we can add you to our list of clinics.

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