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Cervical Caps

  • Am I overusing my barrier contraception? probably!

    Am I Over Using My Barrier Contraceptive?

    The short answer is, probably! Hold on to your seat, because we’re about to cover some information you might have missed in your Sex Education classes. Did you know that you can actually only…

  • The FemCap Cervical Cap

    Product Profile: The FemCap Cervical Cap

    FemCap is the hormone-free birth control solution for the modern women. Instead of turning off ovulation with hormonal birth control or implanting a foreign device like a coil/IUD to stop implantation, FemCap creates simply…

  • FemCap for NFP and FAM.

    Fertility Awareness With FemCap

    The FemCap is a barrier contraceptive but this medical study shows how it can be used for Natural Family Planning (NFP) and the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). Cervical mucus observations are favoured by some…

  • Is FemCap Better Than A Diaphragm?

    FemCap V Diaphragms

    A frequent question that we are asked is whether a FemCap is ‘better’ than a diaphragm. In short, there are lots of reasons to suggest that yes, the FemCap is somewhat better, at least…

  • Meet the FemCap cervical cap.

    Meet The FemCap

    As you probably know, pregnancy can only occur if sperm enters the cervix, travels up to the uterus, and meets a fertile egg. Stopping the sperm’s journey is really all that is needed to…

  • Contraceptive diaphragm fitting

    Average Size Woman, Average Size Diaphragm?

    Thinking about going hormone-free in the bedroom? Maybe making the switch to a diaphragm as your preferred contraceptive method? That’s great news. But you can’t just pop off to the shops and buy one.…

  • How diaphragms and barrier contraceptives work.

    Stopping That Sperm

    Switching off ovulation with hormonal birth control, or implanting a foreign object like a coil/IUD to stop implantation, are both drastic measures that we’ve come to accept as the standard birth control options. But…